All Wisdom Belongs to God !!!
My lesson in the book of Job.
Elihu pretty much pounded the lesson into Job, Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar, and myself. That all wisdom belongs to God. We will never understand the depths of knowledge, never grasp His power, no matter what. God measured and erected each and every inch of the earth to it's creation. The creator knows the limits of every single thing from a mite that is unseen by the human eye, to the largest mountain in the world or on any other planet in all the universes. We gain knowledge and wisdom by studying His word, but will never gain the knowledge or wisdom to direct lightning bolts through the sky, or create the beauty of the horizon in a canyon or mountain or anywhere. We can only capture a moment of the beauty in vision. Sometimes in a picture or painting we can savor the beauty for years and years. Sometimes even in a beautiful song. Praises still should all go to God, for who created our eyes to see the beauty, or the hands to paint the picture, or the ability to sing and write and play a song. The Creator God, makes, molds, and even at times destroys anything and everything. Who can even come close to the wisdom of God. Until now the definition of wisdom wasn't as powerful to me as it is now. Now it's undefinable. The song "Indescribable" by Chris Tomlin, more or less reflects this. Instead of Indescribable, it should be Undefinable. Only God knows the true definition of Wisdom. Webster can only attempt to define the word "Wisdom" through a human's understanding. The definition in all dictionaries should have a final definition beside it of: "God only knows".
As I finished up the book of Job this morning, my devotion in the New testament had me in the book of "1 Peter". I can in some way relate to Job in his sufferings. Not by far does the limits of my suffering come close to his, but in a couple of ways, I was able to understand through my personal affairs how he felt. Just by reading some of his blog in the bible, I felt that at times he was even contemplating suicide. Though it has not come to that for me, I have asked God to wake me up from this nightmare of my life that I am having at this time. If it ever gets as bad as it was for Job, God forbid, I am almost certain that I would probably die in my self-pity. I didn't know what suffering was until I read the book of Job. Most of it is pretty depressing. Especially for someone going through heavy storms of their own. Chapter 1 of 1 Peter, and the final chapter of Job, reminded me of the hope that God has for me.
1 Peter 1 : 3-9 (from NIV translation)
Praise to God for a Living Hope
3)Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4)and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade kept in heaven for you, 5)who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. 6)In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7)These have come so that your faith of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 8)Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 9)for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
1 Peter goes on to remind me to be Holy, and to set my Hope on the grace to be given me when Jesus Christ is revealed. To be obedient....Pretty much to walk through these storms in complete faith, and praise God for it.
It is so easy for someone not going through heavy trials and tribulations to give advise to those who are. I know, I have been there. In both situations. Which for Now I am on the short end of the straw.
I know of families who have walked away from the church, and worse, away from God, because they thought that they were being treated unfair. I honestly believe that a Professed Christian, who doesn't study God's word, will do this over and over again. They blame everyone but themselves. Including God. Job proves that even in a good studier of the Word, one can fall into the self-pity of their storms. I pray to God that no matter how bad the storm gets, that I can hold on to this understanding of what God promises me. I pray that the eye of the storm has already passed me and my family by and that clear weather is in my forecast. I pray to God that my needs will be met, over and beyond my wildest dreams. I could list them now, but God knows my needs and will take care of them. Forgive me Lord for my impatiencence, help me understand more of the hope you have for me. Help me obedientent to your commands and expectations.
And, even if you do not lift me out of this storm, I will still profess Your name and Praise You in all. I am but just a lightning bolt, ready for you to tell me where to go. AMEN.
Elihu pretty much pounded the lesson into Job, Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar, and myself. That all wisdom belongs to God. We will never understand the depths of knowledge, never grasp His power, no matter what. God measured and erected each and every inch of the earth to it's creation. The creator knows the limits of every single thing from a mite that is unseen by the human eye, to the largest mountain in the world or on any other planet in all the universes. We gain knowledge and wisdom by studying His word, but will never gain the knowledge or wisdom to direct lightning bolts through the sky, or create the beauty of the horizon in a canyon or mountain or anywhere. We can only capture a moment of the beauty in vision. Sometimes in a picture or painting we can savor the beauty for years and years. Sometimes even in a beautiful song. Praises still should all go to God, for who created our eyes to see the beauty, or the hands to paint the picture, or the ability to sing and write and play a song. The Creator God, makes, molds, and even at times destroys anything and everything. Who can even come close to the wisdom of God. Until now the definition of wisdom wasn't as powerful to me as it is now. Now it's undefinable. The song "Indescribable" by Chris Tomlin, more or less reflects this. Instead of Indescribable, it should be Undefinable. Only God knows the true definition of Wisdom. Webster can only attempt to define the word "Wisdom" through a human's understanding. The definition in all dictionaries should have a final definition beside it of: "God only knows".
As I finished up the book of Job this morning, my devotion in the New testament had me in the book of "1 Peter". I can in some way relate to Job in his sufferings. Not by far does the limits of my suffering come close to his, but in a couple of ways, I was able to understand through my personal affairs how he felt. Just by reading some of his blog in the bible, I felt that at times he was even contemplating suicide. Though it has not come to that for me, I have asked God to wake me up from this nightmare of my life that I am having at this time. If it ever gets as bad as it was for Job, God forbid, I am almost certain that I would probably die in my self-pity. I didn't know what suffering was until I read the book of Job. Most of it is pretty depressing. Especially for someone going through heavy storms of their own. Chapter 1 of 1 Peter, and the final chapter of Job, reminded me of the hope that God has for me.
1 Peter 1 : 3-9 (from NIV translation)
Praise to God for a Living Hope
3)Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4)and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade kept in heaven for you, 5)who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. 6)In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7)These have come so that your faith of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 8)Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 9)for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
1 Peter goes on to remind me to be Holy, and to set my Hope on the grace to be given me when Jesus Christ is revealed. To be obedient....Pretty much to walk through these storms in complete faith, and praise God for it.
It is so easy for someone not going through heavy trials and tribulations to give advise to those who are. I know, I have been there. In both situations. Which for Now I am on the short end of the straw.
I know of families who have walked away from the church, and worse, away from God, because they thought that they were being treated unfair. I honestly believe that a Professed Christian, who doesn't study God's word, will do this over and over again. They blame everyone but themselves. Including God. Job proves that even in a good studier of the Word, one can fall into the self-pity of their storms. I pray to God that no matter how bad the storm gets, that I can hold on to this understanding of what God promises me. I pray that the eye of the storm has already passed me and my family by and that clear weather is in my forecast. I pray to God that my needs will be met, over and beyond my wildest dreams. I could list them now, but God knows my needs and will take care of them. Forgive me Lord for my impatiencence, help me understand more of the hope you have for me. Help me obedientent to your commands and expectations.
And, even if you do not lift me out of this storm, I will still profess Your name and Praise You in all. I am but just a lightning bolt, ready for you to tell me where to go. AMEN.
At 9/08/2006,
Sugar-n-Spice said…
i can just vision you standing on your head to see my kynlee riding her bike down the driveway! :) hey, looking forward to playing, sunday! see ya then. . .enjoyed reading your post, btw.
At 9/09/2006,
Sugar-n-Spice said…
oh, kevin. . .in response to the comment you left for me, i can't thank you enough. you are definitely right, its so great to know you're in my corner. i hope you know i'm in yours, too.
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