You know they say that when one door closes, two more opens. I don't know how true that is, but for me, God always keeps a door somewhere open for me. Let me tell you about the latest song that is playing on the radio of life for me.
I got a letter from the company in Virginia that I was so desperately holding onto to for possible employment, and there's no trying to decorate or color the final picture as they tried to do in their letter to let me down easy. The fact is, I didn't get the job. I do have a couple of other leads in Virginia, but this was the one that I was hoping for. Please don't be sad for me, because God already was opening several doors for me to go through as I was reading the letter. I made a visit to the bank to discuss the future of my home. I tell you, I'm not going to mention his name, but Commercial Bank has at least one good person working there. I'm sure there's more, but this individual has helped me and my family countless times. Let's just say, I bought some time on moving out of my home. I can't say that I will remain here in the end, but at least the stress of having to pay the house payment this month has been waived. Thank you Commercial Bank.
When I returned home, Tammie tells me that I received a call from a company in Camden. After returning the call, I find out that the company is very interested in me and the pay is very good. The gentleman that I talked to on the phone was very pleasant and we discussed not only the job but also Christian topics. It was just one of those conversations that makes you feel really good. It just felt right. So with that in mind, another lead has opened up, and right here in Arkansas. Which leads me now to the point of my blog.
I stopped by an visited with Rick Hales yesterday evening. Rick has always been a great friend of mine and a great mentor. We talked about how God only shows you just a peep hole into His plans for you. Rick shared with me something that a mentor of his once shared with him. That God could, at any time, turn on all the lights for you to see all that He has in store for your life. But He knows that we couldn't handle it all at once. So, He gives us a flashlight just to see what's right in front of us. It reminds us to walk in faith and to trust and rely on Him. He will guide us through our journey if we let Him. What a great description for us to look at.
However, I believe that God has a sense of humor. Rick has a flashlight ! That's great !! I wish I had a flashlight ! Instead, God has provided me with a pin-light that only works after several days of recharging. And, once I press it, my eyes better be open and alert because I only have a nano-second before the pin-light is dead. It's like I've woken up blind. Have you ever been in a strange place, maybe visiting somewhere, and you get up to go to the bathroom, and everything is dark. You don't know where any light switches are, you just stumble and stagger through the maze as if you were drunk. I believe it amuses God when He picks me up like a child, spins me around and around, puts me down and then watches me try to walk like a drunk kid.
I know God has plans for me. Where He leads me and my family is still in the dark. I just have to be awake and alert when my pin-light is working. God doesn't make mistakes. I have to be patient and wait for Him to deliver. I tend to panic when I try to look into the future and wonder how in the world I am going to support my family. But the fact remains, no matter how bad things have gotten, He has always taken care of me. He proves that to me daily.
Thank you Lord for your steadfastness. Thank you for all that you've done for me and my family. I will carry my pin-light with faith and walk through this journey to where you desire to lead me.
I got a letter from the company in Virginia that I was so desperately holding onto to for possible employment, and there's no trying to decorate or color the final picture as they tried to do in their letter to let me down easy. The fact is, I didn't get the job. I do have a couple of other leads in Virginia, but this was the one that I was hoping for. Please don't be sad for me, because God already was opening several doors for me to go through as I was reading the letter. I made a visit to the bank to discuss the future of my home. I tell you, I'm not going to mention his name, but Commercial Bank has at least one good person working there. I'm sure there's more, but this individual has helped me and my family countless times. Let's just say, I bought some time on moving out of my home. I can't say that I will remain here in the end, but at least the stress of having to pay the house payment this month has been waived. Thank you Commercial Bank.
When I returned home, Tammie tells me that I received a call from a company in Camden. After returning the call, I find out that the company is very interested in me and the pay is very good. The gentleman that I talked to on the phone was very pleasant and we discussed not only the job but also Christian topics. It was just one of those conversations that makes you feel really good. It just felt right. So with that in mind, another lead has opened up, and right here in Arkansas. Which leads me now to the point of my blog.
I stopped by an visited with Rick Hales yesterday evening. Rick has always been a great friend of mine and a great mentor. We talked about how God only shows you just a peep hole into His plans for you. Rick shared with me something that a mentor of his once shared with him. That God could, at any time, turn on all the lights for you to see all that He has in store for your life. But He knows that we couldn't handle it all at once. So, He gives us a flashlight just to see what's right in front of us. It reminds us to walk in faith and to trust and rely on Him. He will guide us through our journey if we let Him. What a great description for us to look at.
However, I believe that God has a sense of humor. Rick has a flashlight ! That's great !! I wish I had a flashlight ! Instead, God has provided me with a pin-light that only works after several days of recharging. And, once I press it, my eyes better be open and alert because I only have a nano-second before the pin-light is dead. It's like I've woken up blind. Have you ever been in a strange place, maybe visiting somewhere, and you get up to go to the bathroom, and everything is dark. You don't know where any light switches are, you just stumble and stagger through the maze as if you were drunk. I believe it amuses God when He picks me up like a child, spins me around and around, puts me down and then watches me try to walk like a drunk kid.
I know God has plans for me. Where He leads me and my family is still in the dark. I just have to be awake and alert when my pin-light is working. God doesn't make mistakes. I have to be patient and wait for Him to deliver. I tend to panic when I try to look into the future and wonder how in the world I am going to support my family. But the fact remains, no matter how bad things have gotten, He has always taken care of me. He proves that to me daily.
Thank you Lord for your steadfastness. Thank you for all that you've done for me and my family. I will carry my pin-light with faith and walk through this journey to where you desire to lead me.
At 11/14/2006,
Kevin Stoxe said…
One person that I failed to mention that is worthy of mentioning. Steve Strickland, another good friend of mine and Tammie's, worked with us at Burlington. He is the one that informed me of this position in Camden. He actually works for this company. Thanks Steve for the heads up.
At 11/15/2006,
Anonymous said…
Way to go Kevin ...or not go....
remember..."be still and know that I am your God."
At 11/18/2006,
dean said…
this was one of the most inspiring posts i've read in awhile! i've been in your shoes (i think we all have been there to one degree or another), and God is always right on time! your abundance of faith in such a time of turmoil is convicting and reassuring. God has taken us through so many seemingly impossible times, yet in the small things i tend to get all worked up... how crazy is that? you guys are in our prayers... enjoy your thanksgiving!
At 11/20/2006,
Anonymous said…
Hey Kevin,
It was really good talking to the other day and I'm glad we finally got in touch again after all these years. My email address is jdlandry3@hotmail.com or jdlandry30@sbcglobal.net I have also setup my own blog, but it is not complete yet. http://www.jefflandry.blogspot.com/ Drop me a line from time to time and let's stay in touch. Good luck in your job hunt and if there is any way I can help, just let me know.
Jeff Landry
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