Crazy Christian Life by Kevin

Sunday, December 31, 2006

It Was The Best Of Times, It Was The Worst Of Times

Goodbye 2006, Hello 2007.

What a weird year for me. Alot of bad weather, some good, Very emotional, like a runaway roller coaster. Some great memories, some very stressful memories. 2006 will be one of those years for me that will be remembered in my family for a long time to come. We will be able to recall events easily throughout this year without looking in our history books. A year ago today, I didn't have a clue what the year held for me and my family. The events that took place in the Stokes family for 2006 is like reading the Arkansas Democrat daily. With each section fitting our life. Fun, Happiness, Tragedy, Hard Times, Events, Creative Ideas, Special Notices. Yes, each day had a new headline not knowing if you were going to read something happy or something sad. So we can stay on just one page in the newspaper, I will keep us in the weather section.
Walk with me through the Stokes History book in the year of 2006.

HEADLINE: Trapped in a Hail Storm and a Tornado:
Yes, the new year started with some bad news. A week before the new year began, I was diagnosed with diabetes. I can't even begin to tell you, how this disease makes me feel. Those of you that have this, can relate to the feelings that I get from this. If you don't take this seriously, you're a walking time bomb. And, yet, I still find myself, not taking it seriously on a daily basis. Why do I abuse myself so much? With the proper diet and exercise, I can beat this thing. But for some reason, I chose not to.
WRAP UP: There is a chance of rain (with a good chance of a hail storm) in my forecast daily with this defect in my life.

HEADLINE: Thunderstorm, (Not smart enough to get in out of the rain):
This next submission is in no way attacking anybody except myself. Most people didn't realize this even happened to me. I only have myself to blame.
At the beginning of the year, I was asked to step down from the Praise Band for a season. My Spiritual walk was in bad need of reorganization, and my pastor recognized this. At first I was angry, but several spiritual things took place in the next few weeks that let me know that this was the correct decision. Still, it was a long three months for me, watching and listening to the Praise Band while I sat in detention. I was so happy when my grounding was over, and I was able to step back up and jam with the incredible talented musicians we have in our church.
WRAP UP: I was fortunate enough for my sake, that someone saw me walking in this storm and gave me an umbrella.

HEADLINE: Thunderstorms (with a beautiful rainbow):
What was a "happy time" for my daughter, seemed to be tragedy for me. Her and her boyfriend of nearly three years, got married. I guess what hurt the most other than, just letting go, was , they eloped, and I never got the joy of giving away my little girl.
Her and her husband was just in for a couple of days, they left to go back to Kansas this afternoon. Yes, they had to go back on New Year's Eve, isn't that terrible? Tammie and I stood on the front porch waving goodbye, with tears streaming down our faces. Then I went in my bedroom, laid down on the bed, and bawled.
This seems to be the hardest thing I've had to let go of since my mother died in 1990. Why am I so sensitive? I bet I cry more than the average man. You know, the bible says that in heaven there will be no tears, but that is so hard for me to believe, because, if someone, that I care about, does not make it into the Kingdom of Heaven, I can't help but think that my water works will be flooding the heavenly floor that I stand on. I get choked up and a lump in my throat right now, just thinking about it.
WRAP UP: Have you ever sat on your front porch, and enjoyed a thunderstorm? I do it often. Sometimes, a good thunderstorm for me is very relaxing and refreshing. There could be danger outside of my location, but I sit safely away from the storm.

HEADLINE: Sunny and Clear:
Our Church sent several of us to Connecticut for a mission trip in July. What an incredible and memorable trip we had. We went to help a sister church with vacation bible school and we also experienced a train ministry.
One day, we took a train to New York City and then rode on the subway to some "points of interest" that we all agreed on. I'm torn between two places of being the highlight of the New York City day. One was "Ground Zero". There are thousands of people walking in this area and just beyond, from a crowded and very loud section of the city, to just a block away, complete silence and respect. The other was "Times Square". It was great!
WRAP UP: What a great day to go swimming!!! Not a cloud in the sky.

HEADLINE: Flood Warnings (Road slippery and Unsafe Ahead):
"Jesus, Take The Wheel".
I made a post in August with this title, just after Tammie and I took a trip to Kansas to help my daughter move there. On the way back, we almost got killed in an automobile accident. What seemed to be possible tragedy, turned into a happy blog that I will cherish for the rest of my life. If you haven't read this blog, please do so. God was at work throughout this day, and made sure we all knew He was in control. There is two parts, so be sure and read the first part first. You can find it in the archives under the month of "August".
WRAP UP: We went under water on the road at one time, and it was scarry.

HEADLINE: Hurricane hits land:
At the beginning of the year, I had no clue that I would be unemployed for over a 1/3 of it. This hit very hard on us. Leaving us "BUTT NAKED BROKE". I could write a book on this long drug out 5 months, but I will save you from that for now. Not knowing where God was leading me, I traveled as far as Virginia to search for possible jobs.
WRAP UP: This was a category 5 hurricane. One point for each month I was unemployed. It left a lot of damage to our property.

HEADLINE: Perfect day to go on a picnic:
God lead me to Camden, Arkansas, and gave me an incredible job there. I've worked three weeks now at "Hugg & Hall" and the people there have welcomed me with open arms. I am meeting and making some great new friends.

Many storms hit my house throughout 2006, and we have survived, now, The forecast ahead looks clear, so I think I will travel in that direction. If I can keep enough gas money in my pocket.
Hello 2007.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

My Cup Overflows

As I learn this new job that God so generously provided for me, heavy weight still lies on my shoulders. Christmas is upon us, and we barely have the funds to meet our finances. When Tammie took her final test week before last, the government funds expired. My unemployment check plus her government check was more together than what I am making right now. We were struggling then, so with the extra funds for me to actually either live there close to my job or drive back and forth, trying to make ends meet just got tougher. For the first Christmas in the 23 years of our marriage, we aren't able to buy each other gifts for Christmas. But that's not the heaviest weight that falls in my lap. No, my heaviest burden for me is "obedience to God". Time after time again God trys to teach to me the importance of "Giving all to Him". And, time after time again, I fail. Lately, when I seem to get a little money, I try to tuck it way back in my pocket, where I feel God won't see it, and spend it on resources for life. The thing that I always forget is, "He is the Breath of Life". But even still, when I fail Him in my obedience, it seems that my cup of life is either completely full or overflowing with all of resources that I need to survive in this life. I woke up this morning with God whispering to me about my tithe. The whole time I am arguing with Him thinking, "God, if I give a certain amount to you, then I won't have enough money to make it until my next paycheck", All the while, He is reminding me that He will take care of me. He asks me if He has ever let me down, and of course my answer is, "NO". And yet, still I am reluntant to give Him my tithe, knowing that if I were to just let everything go with the realization that it all belongs to Him, only He knows what kind of blessings, and overflow of my cup, He will provide for me. More than I can imagine. The ironic fact of it all, to sum up this whole struggle, and to finally realize that God is actually dealing with me personally, God hits me over the head because I am an idiot, and gives me something incredible this morning. Though an email, I get several devotions from various sites. One is called, "Crosswalk, Today God is first". I open this up this morning only to find this, and you will see why I state that God has hit me over the head.

December 24

Resolving the Ownership Issue
Psalms 24:1-2
The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for He founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.

As Christian businesspeople, God calls us to view Him as the owner of everything. We are to be stewards of all that He entrusts to us. This is one of the hardest of all commandments to follow for the Christian businessperson because, if we work hard at business, we receive all the benefits of that work. It appears as though all that we have achieved was through our hand. Yet God says that it is by His hand that we are able to make wealth (see Deut. 8). He is the source of that ability. As soon as we become owners and not managers, we fall into trouble with God.

Joseph understood that he was a steward of all the resources of Egypt. God promoted him to affect an entire region of the world. Joseph had more power, prestige, and wealth than any 30-year-old who ever lived before him. The temptation for him in this newfound role in life must have been great. Many a man has not been able to handle material success. Many of God's choicest servants began well in their calling and service to God only to fail at the end. Consider Hezekiah, the great king who achieved many great things but failed to acknowledge God's blessing at the end of his reign. His reign was cut short due to pride. Gideon's fate was similar. Success can lead to pride if we are not careful.

"Not every man can carry a full cup. Sudden elevation frequently leads to pride and a fall. The most exacting test of all to survive is prosperity" [Oswald Chambers].

Ask the Lord today if you are living as a steward or an owner. Put whatever skills and resources you possess on His altar. Then you can expect God to do great things through you.

Thank you Lord, for all you have done for me. You always keep my cup full, even when I don't deserve it. I ask everyone to pray for me and my obedience to the Lord. AMEN

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Wonder Years

Jeff has been posting a lot of LP's that bring back a lot of teenage memories for me. From "USA for Africa" to "Asia", I have most all of the LP's in my extended collection that he has posted. I tried to take pictures of some of my favorites, but a photographer, I am not. So I will just list some of my favorite Lp's from my teenage years. I would insert some old photos from High School, but with Tammie and I moving very soon, we have them all packed up in boxes.
So if you would, Walk with me down memory lane to "The Wonder Years".
"Charlies Angels", "The Love Boat", "Fantasy Island", "Happy Days" were just some of my favorite shows that I watched. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why a teenage boy was so infatuated with "Charlies Angels". I was in love with Farrah Fawcet Majors, and Jacqueline Smith. And when Tanya Roberts was introduced, I fell even more in love. In sports, I followed the Miami Dolphins from their perfect season and throughout all of my childhood. In those days, I was a bigger fan of the Miami Dolphins than I was of the Arkansas Razorbacks. However, Just as evident, in my life today, music was my favorite past time, and the poor Lp's that I loved the most, were abused over and over again, leaving me with very scratchy and disfigured Lp's. AC/DC's "Back in Black" / Def Leppard's "Pyromania" / and Foreigner "4" are just a few of the overplayed Lp's in my collection. But what was played the most? Journey had several with "Infinity" "Evolution" "Departure" and "Captured", but the most played by them was "Escape". Kansas boasted several with "Point of Know Return", "Leftoverture", and "Two For the Show", the most overplayed by them was "Audio Visions". For a few years during my teenage years, "Styx" was my favorite group until Journey took over the #1 spot for good. I would sit in class just like several other millions of students throughout the nation doodling on notebooks and notebook paper. My doodles consisted mostly of the "STYX" logo. It was very unique and intriguing. A friend of mine once told me that it would be cool if I spelt my name that way. Hence the user name, "STOXE" was born. I overplayed several Styx Lp's such as "Equinox" , "Crystal Ball", "The Grand illusion" , "Pieces of Eight" , "Cornerstone" , and "Paradise Theatre". I saw them in concert three times and couldn't begin to tell you which LP got the most play time. I give away my age when I tell you that I had most of these on "8 track" also. My Easter Egg 1974 yellow Ford Pinto had an 8 Track player in it. What a chick magnet. How else do you think I landed that hot pistol of a wife of mine ? But still, the most overplayed are not among any of these that I have named. What are they ? As I go through my collection and pull out "my favorites", many Lp's are stacked in front of me. Both of Boston's first two Lp's make the list along with, "Eagles Live", Ted Nugent's "Double Live Gonzo" "Cat Scratch Fever" and his Lp titled "Ted Nugent", Rush "Exit Stage Left" , Loverboy "Get Lucky", Aerosmith "Toys in the Attic", Cheap Trick "In Color, and in Black and White" , Elton John's "Greatest Hits Vol. 1 and 2" , Van Halen "1 and 2" , 38 Special "Special Forces" , REO Speedwagon "Hi Infidelity" , Little River Band "Time Exposure" , Eddie Money "No Control" , Toto "IV" , Alan Parson's Project "I Robot" , but still the most overplayed has not been listed. The most overplayed LP of "The Wonder Years" arrives at a tie. It comes down between Queen's "A Night at the Opera" , and Pink Floyd's "The Wall". I know every song on each of these Lp's by heart. If any of these songs were on a karoke machine, I could sing them with confidence without looking at the lyrics on the screen and would be able to put on a performance. I remember countless nights of lying in the middle of my shagged carpet bedroom floor, with all of the lights off listening through my huge headphones that looked like ear warmers. I had two of those "canned light bulb" lights that looked as if it was sending electricity through a fluorescent light bulb. I also had a strobe light and a miniature "disco ball light" and I would have at least one of these items on while I was enjoying my favorite long plays. I didn't need any drug to enjoy some of the demented songs from each of these groups, I was and still am, "naturally High" from the music. So naturally high that I actually became, as Pink Floyd would say, "Comfortably Numb".
So I hope that you have enjoyed my walk down memory lane, I know I have.....
Good Day and

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Quiz # 2: Know the Sensitive and Rugged Stoxe.

Well folks, with me starting my job on Monday, and I will only be home on the weekends, I will have to blog only on the weekends for now. I really didn't have anything in mind at this time, so I figured with Dad's Place coming out with yet another quiz, I too, will bring this second and I feel difficult quiz to the table. Learn more about me. And, whoever can score 100 on this quiz (without cheating- let's all be honest), I will make them a batch of my "famous salsa". I am certain that Jim will not make 100 on this one. Good luck and have fun. Kevin

Take My Quiz on

Can you Ace my quiz?
Let's Find Out!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Prayers Answered

Glory be to God. Everything I have belongs to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
The Job search is over. I start work Monday morning at Hugg and Hall in Camden, Arkansas. I am pumped. I just hope that I live up to the expectations that they have for me. The pay is not as high as I first anticipated, but no matter what, God will take care of us. It's still more than I was making at Federal Mogul, plus commission. Right now the plans are for me to get an apartment there, and Nick will finish his Jr. Year at Monticello. For his senior year, it is unclear for the moment. Time will tell, where Nick will spend his Senior year. I would like it, (and he would too), if he could finish out his SR. Year at Monticello, but in all reality, we are pushing the JR year as it is. Most likely he will spend his Sr. Year at either Camden Fairview or Camden Harmony Grove, just depending where our residence falls. Tammie finishes up her internship with the Co-Op today, and will take finals next week, and she will be finished. Then it's her turn to find the job. Maybe she can land a $100,000 per year job, where I can just retire and enjoy life !!!!! I love to dream.... Anyhow... I just wanted to update everyone on our status, and to thank God for answering my prayers.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


What is my favorite season of the year ? Or shall I say sporting event ? Is it the Superbowl ? The World Series ? Is it the First day of Deer Hunting ? Maybe I should have put that question in my quiz. Jim might not have made 100 if I did. Can you guess ?
The Hogs are going bowling on New Year's Day. Is the bowl season my favorite time of the year ? From the first kickoff to the final games, I love the season of football. Wheather I'm enjoying the fellowship of a football cookout, tailgating, party.... Wheather it's Pro football or college, or even high school. Reading and studying the pre-season magazines. Buying the Arkansas Hootens Magazine is more of a rush to me than when I was a kid opening a present that I've been wanting for months. I love going to or watching on tv ..... FOOTBALL..... More than any sport.... However, if I had the question of, "What is my favorite season of the year?" on my quiz, by knowing that football is my favorite sport, you would miss the answer. My favorite season of the year is, "March Madness" yes, even though I like football better than basketball, still, what gives me the biggest rush the most is "MARCH MADNESS" I don't know what it is..... I can watch any football game on tv or on the field and love it. It doesn't matter who's playing. I will watch it. I go to the local High School football games. I watch the college, pros, and even arena football. But when it comes to basketball, I never go to a high school game. I hate watching the pros. The only college team I seem to watch is Arkansas, and if I happen to miss a game, I'm not very broken up about it like I would be if I miss a Razorback Football game, even if it's only just on the radio.
But when March Madness begins, I'm just in a fantasy land of the ultimite sports high. Oh what I would give to have a March Madness vacation to New York City in the ESPN Zone and watch all of the games on all of their Tv's.
This past Saturday, I made a sacrifice to miss the first half of the SEC Championship game to go to church. Jeff... If you do that in March, I'm sending a hit man after you. When the SEC tourny begins, I want to be in front of the tube watching it. Not missing a game.. I actually get mad that I have to work during the early games on Thursday and Friday of the tournament. All jobs should cancel work all Thursday through Sunday during the month of March. We can make up our time during Baseball season. I hate baseball.

I certainly don't want to take away the fact that Arkansas is going to a New Year's Day bowl. The bowl season runs a close second behind March Madness. and with The Razorbacks in the mix up this year, it just makes it even more exciting !!!! It would be an incredible Christmas Present if someone sent me three Capital One Bowl tickets in the mail, with round trip airfare to Orlando, Florida. Along with Room and board at a very nice 5 star Hotel. Who out there has the Christmas spirit of Giving ? Anyone ??????