Crazy Christian Life by Kevin

Monday, November 27, 2006

The Heart Of Worship

When a family, such as mine, is experiencing a possible relocation, several tasks must be accomplished long before the final move. One priority of mine is trying to find a church that best fits the personalities of my family. Each member of my family has certain needs that require different ministries. Some things are more important to me than they are to Tammie and Nick and vice-versa. But it's not just a numbers game where we tally up the points from each church and the highest score wins. It's a God thing. We should be asking God to lead us to where He wants us to be. Just like in my job search, God has a church home set aside just for us. But as always, God has confused me on my level of thinking. For instance, just when I feel that God has led me to a place of employment, it seems as if He retrieves all of the cards to the deck and begins to reshuffle them. God is also shuffling the deck of cards to all of the churches I visit. I don't know if God is just testing me on different levels and seeing how I will react to different situations or settings, or what He's doing, but He sure keeps me guessing.
Before I share with you some of my visits to churches in Virginia, I just want to say that when I vent about something, I always try to look towards God for guidance, and even after the post is final from my initial opinions, God has, in many occasions, lead someone to leave a comment for me to possibly rethink my ideas and change some thoughts for the better.

Northeast Virginia:
With an area phone book and the internet, I targeted a number of churches that met an indefinite criteria for me and my family. Mostly the criteria was very selfish and directed towards my wants and needs. So many times I find my wants getting in the way of what God wants, and of course, God always corrects me on that. Everyone who even remotely knows me, knows that I have a great love for music. That if given a choice between a Traditional Church and a Contemporary Church, the traditional church wouldn't stand a chance. I most certainly do not forbid hymns, it's just not my favorite kind of music. Some people prefer Country music to Rock, or Classical Music to folk. Contemporary Christian songs are just my personal preference. So naturally, most of the targeted churches were Contemporary Christian churches.
It seemed though, that every church I attended with the contemporary music, the message was dull, boring and monotone. It seemed that the pastor was just reading word for word from his notes that he just wrote five minutes ago, unrehearsed and not from the heart. It was obvious that these churches were relying on the music to be their main source of worship. They were very proud of their talents. The music and songs were well polished and sounded great. The word of God seemed to be just a filler, or a half-to-do chore that they rushed through real quick so they could get back to their music. They seemed to worship the music more than they worshipped God. Yes, they sounded good. Very good musicians..... But I found myself sick at my stomach when I departed from these churches.
Finally I changed gears and decided to visit a Traditional Baptist church. Reluctantly I sat through the hymns, and then I heard the message. Everything was perfect. The message was from the heart and in tune with God's directions in the bible. The hymns and the message were a perfect fit. The pastor spoke the word with love and passion, keeping me alert and wanting more. I was eager to listen and learn. What it all boiled down to was that the music didn't matter to me at all, it was all a "Heart" issue.

Am I getting Old ? Did I just say, the music didn't matter ?
Jeff, quit applauding.
Right now Jeff Noble is saying, "Kevin was listening to me!"
For those of you who are calling the secret service to investigate who has stolen my identity, or, those of you who are having a heart attack from the words that you have just read, just try to hang on, the ride isn't over yet.

I left the church refreshed and feeling good. This traditional church just became the front-runner over all of the other churches in Virginia. I wanted to investigate this church even more though, so I called the church office the following week to learn more about their doctrine and just how they function and tick. I didn't get a chance to converse with the pastor, because he was out that day, but from the sermon I heard on Sunday, I just knew that his heart was on fire for Jesus. It wasn't until I was connected with the youth pastor when my euphoria took a disappointing nose dive.
After several questions and answers about the youth, one answer to a question brought out the rolaids once again. The question pertained to "Praise and Worship."
Here was how and what I asked.
"I noticed that in the regular service there were nothing but hymns. I was wondering if the services ever mix it up a little and play some Contemporary Praise and Worship songs ?"
He answered very quickly and sounded disgusted with a "NO, NOTHING BUT HYMNS."
Amazingly, I was Okay with that answer. Then I asked the rolaid question of what the youth usually listens to and sings during their meetings of "just youth". The answer was very disturbing. He said that he was the music leader and the youth pastor all in one, and that the youth sings the same songs that the church sings on Sunday mornings. He went on to tell me that he didn't want his youth listening or singing that kind of music that was "of the world".
What ?! Hello !!!! Hymns were written by man the same way praise and worship songs were written, some may have been written 100 or even 200 years ago, but still they were written by a living human. What makes them more pure than today's songs to Christ? An atheist could write the most beautiful classical piece of music ever written, so does the sound make it pure ? Is that classical piece, written by an atheist, more acceptable than Praise and Worship songs that were written and sung for the Lord ? Be careful on what you condemn and what you accept. King David was ridiculed for the way he was praising and rejoicing God while he was bringing the ark of God to the city of David. Again, I urge you, and whoever fits this description, be careful of what you define as "UNDIGNIFIED". (2 Samuel 6:12-23).
You are a teacher and a mentor, and as James would warn, "those who teach will be judged more strictly" (James 3:1).
If Praise and Worship songs are not your preference for whatever reason, then that's okay in my book. But don't label it, "of the world" that's just a selfish idea and a personal vendetta against something that you're passing down to several young individuals. If you don't want to be "of the world" then you might want to get rid of your cell phone, computer, nice car, telephone, and other worldly things and join the amish. I'm not saying that to be mean or disrespectful to the amish, I'm trying to make a point of how self centered that statement was. It's a very selfish attitude that you are passing down to a younger generation. A selfish concept that you want your whole youth to share with you. Who are you to label a song written to God as "Of the world" ? Just because drums and guitars have been added to the song doesn't make it "of the world". It's what is in the heart that makes it either "Worship To God" or "Of The World"
Basically, how we worship shouldn't offend anyone if we are making the subject of worship totally to God and Jesus. If it means getting UNDIGNIFIED, then so be it.
In conclusion, I want to make sure that my "HEART OF WORSHIP" is directed towards God and Jesus. Matt Redman describes it best when he sings,
"I'm coming back to the Heart of Worship, and it's all about YOU, it's all about YOU, JESUS"

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

We made it to our destination in Virginia. Through the heavy traffic and then to add to the tough driving, rain. Almost through the whole trip in Virginia. But we made it. So what am I thankful for? As if you need a multiple choice.
Thank you so much for delivering me and my family safely to our destination for this holiday set aside for you. I pray that when my wife and son depart Saturday morning to return home, that you steer their way, smooth and safe. This is a great worry of mine that I give to you. Take it now from me and comfort me in knowing that their trip is in your hands.
You've shown me a lot throughout my journey in the past year. Especially in the past 3 months. You have stood by my side, actually you have carried my wounded body through many storms. You never fail. You are my ultimate storm shelter. You stock it with all of the necessary supplies that I need just at the right time that I need them. I thank you for that.... As I read others stories of thankfulness, each individual has unique journeys of their thankfulness. I try to focus on people that are not as fortunate as me. Homeless, Parentless, or even family-less. What would they write in a blog about their thankfulness. How something as simple as eating a good meal today or having a warm bed to sleep in tonight would be an incredible post for their thankfulness. Even though these storms have raged for 3 months in my life, You've made sure that me and my family has not gone without a meal, or a warm bed to sleep comfortably in. I overlook that so many times, that You take care of me and my family over and over again. So many times I say a programed prayer, thanking you for things, and not feeling the thankfulness in my heart the way I should. Forgive me Lord for my ignorance.
I pray that You have a Happy Thanksgiving. That when many families share their time together, that they will say their thanks to you with sincerity.
Thank You.................

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


You know they say that when one door closes, two more opens. I don't know how true that is, but for me, God always keeps a door somewhere open for me. Let me tell you about the latest song that is playing on the radio of life for me.
I got a letter from the company in Virginia that I was so desperately holding onto to for possible employment, and there's no trying to decorate or color the final picture as they tried to do in their letter to let me down easy. The fact is, I didn't get the job. I do have a couple of other leads in Virginia, but this was the one that I was hoping for. Please don't be sad for me, because God already was opening several doors for me to go through as I was reading the letter. I made a visit to the bank to discuss the future of my home. I tell you, I'm not going to mention his name, but Commercial Bank has at least one good person working there. I'm sure there's more, but this individual has helped me and my family countless times. Let's just say, I bought some time on moving out of my home. I can't say that I will remain here in the end, but at least the stress of having to pay the house payment this month has been waived. Thank you Commercial Bank.
When I returned home, Tammie tells me that I received a call from a company in Camden. After returning the call, I find out that the company is very interested in me and the pay is very good. The gentleman that I talked to on the phone was very pleasant and we discussed not only the job but also Christian topics. It was just one of those conversations that makes you feel really good. It just felt right. So with that in mind, another lead has opened up, and right here in Arkansas. Which leads me now to the point of my blog.

I stopped by an visited with Rick Hales yesterday evening. Rick has always been a great friend of mine and a great mentor. We talked about how God only shows you just a peep hole into His plans for you. Rick shared with me something that a mentor of his once shared with him. That God could, at any time, turn on all the lights for you to see all that He has in store for your life. But He knows that we couldn't handle it all at once. So, He gives us a flashlight just to see what's right in front of us. It reminds us to walk in faith and to trust and rely on Him. He will guide us through our journey if we let Him. What a great description for us to look at.

However, I believe that God has a sense of humor. Rick has a flashlight ! That's great !! I wish I had a flashlight ! Instead, God has provided me with a pin-light that only works after several days of recharging. And, once I press it, my eyes better be open and alert because I only have a nano-second before the pin-light is dead. It's like I've woken up blind. Have you ever been in a strange place, maybe visiting somewhere, and you get up to go to the bathroom, and everything is dark. You don't know where any light switches are, you just stumble and stagger through the maze as if you were drunk. I believe it amuses God when He picks me up like a child, spins me around and around, puts me down and then watches me try to walk like a drunk kid.

I know God has plans for me. Where He leads me and my family is still in the dark. I just have to be awake and alert when my pin-light is working. God doesn't make mistakes. I have to be patient and wait for Him to deliver. I tend to panic when I try to look into the future and wonder how in the world I am going to support my family. But the fact remains, no matter how bad things have gotten, He has always taken care of me. He proves that to me daily.

Thank you Lord for your steadfastness. Thank you for all that you've done for me and my family. I will carry my pin-light with faith and walk through this journey to where you desire to lead me.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Stoxe Challenge

Jeff and Mark inspired me to do my own quiz. Here it is.

Take My Quiz on

Can you Ace my quiz?
Let's Find Out!

Updates: I am home for now until Thanksgiving.
The Jericho Morse code of the week was "ROB NOT FBI"

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sightings of the Unexplained. True Stories by Kevin Stokes.

Sighting #1 & 2:
Many years ago, our family would go to Petit Jean Mountain State Park on a regular basis and stay a couple of nights in a cabin where we would enjoy relaxation, hiking, just the joy of getting away from Monticello as a family. Several times we would take another family with us. Sandra worked with Tammie and me at Burlington on 3rd shift, and we would have a great time with her and her two children everytime that they would go with us. Most of the time we would want to try to get there just as soon as possible to start our mini-vacation. So we would leave early on a Friday morning after all three of us had worked all night at Burlington. We all would be very tired, but we knew that we could rest once we got to the cabin and checked in. Some would attribute my sighting to the fact that I was tired from working all night.
On one trip to Petit Jean, I saw two unbelievable objects. One on the way up there and one on the way back. Sandra was driving, and I was just looking out the window of the van at the scenery. Somewhere between Star City and Pine Bluff, on the East side of Highway 425, I happened to see a two headed cow among many other cows. This cow had a head at each end of her body. One head was grazing and the other head was just looking forward. It reminded me of a "“push-me pull-me" from Dr. Doolittle. About a 1000 feet after I saw this two-headed cow, I asked everyone if they just saw what I saw. Of course, they just made fun of me, and told me that I was tired and needed some sleep. I was teased about this all weekend. On the way back, I was driving. Again, somewhere between Pine Bluff and Star City, On the west side of Highway 425, I looked over and saw an alien head sticking out of a flying saucer. I slammed on my brakes, and everyone was just startled and was wondering what the heck I was doing. I explained to them, that if we had of gotten a mile down the road and I asked them if they just saw what I saw, they might have been checking me into psychiatric ward. I pointed to the spaceship and told them to look and make sure that I just wasn'’t seeing things. That was several years ago, and most people in Southeast Arkansas has seen the alien in the spaceship by now.

Sighting #3:
A few years ago I was traveling to Louisiana with a friend of mine. We were going to pick up a vehicle from a dealership for Ryburn Ford. Right before the Louisiana border, again on Highway 425 South, on the west side of the highway, David and I saw a Pterodactyl in take off. This bird was huge, bigger than any that I'’ve ever seen. It was struggling to get off the ground. It seemed like an airplane with not enough runway to take off. I just knew that he was going to crash. Now I know that this bird is extinct, but evidently there is at least one living in extreme southeast Arkansas. I had plenty of sleep from the night before, so I wasn'’t tired at all.

Sighting #4:
Not too long after the Pterodactyl sighting, several of us from Second Baptist traveled to Dallas, Texas for a Promise Keepers conference. Me, Craig, Nick and another teenager were traveling in a car all together. We had a wonderful weekend. On the way back we were traveling on Interstate 20 East in Louisiana. Craig was driving, and I was looking out the window of the car. Not far from Shreveport, on the side of the interstate, was a dead kangaroo that had been hit. Kangaroos are only found in Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea. So what the heck was one doing on the side of the interstate in Louisiana?

Sighting #5:
My last sighting was about a year ago. I had just gotten off work from Federal Mogul and on my way home. Somewhere between Winchester and Selma in the ditch was an animal that looked to have been hit by an automobile. It had four legs and a long tail that looked like that of armadillo and his body had armor on it just like the armadillo. The tail had a pointed arrow end that reminded me of a dragons tail. The face looked like an eagles face, and also wings of an eagle. It had claws at the end of each four legs that was also of an eagle. It was wicked.

I know that all of these sound far-fetched to all of you, and I know that I will be teased about this. I don't care, My eyes have seen some incredible, unexplained things.
I have seen the cell phone commercials where someone sees "“Big Foot"” or "“The Boogyman"” and they take a picture of the creatures with their camera phones. Well, now I carry a camera phone with me, so from now on, when I see something out of the ordinary, I will have a picture of it. Wouldn't it be neat if I could have shown all of you pictures of a "two headed cow" or a "Pterodactyl?"

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Resume For The Afterlife (A two part series). Chapter 2: Dear John Letter

Dear John,
I received your application for the Kingdom of Heaven. Unfortunately you have been declined any position here in Heaven. I have watched you very closely from even before you were born, to every second of your life and beyond. Sadly, the one credential that you failed is the one and only reason why you cannot be accepted into my presence. Granted, you have lead a good life, you have always been a good and moral person. However, Your morals only reflect that of the world. I have given you a guide to read and study. If only you would of studied my living word, you would have read in James Chapter 4 verse 4, that anyone who chooses to be friends with the world becomes an enemy of God. I'm not saying that by being good is wrong. By all means, continue to do good things. But John, just by being good, and doing good things does not get you into the Kingdom of Heaven. I urge you, you still have time, take my living word, read it, study it, search it for the answer to everlasting life. The answers are there. I promise. However, if your time would end as of now, unfortunately I would have to tell you to depart from me, and that I never knew you. By saying this, it's not that I never knew you, in fact, I know each and every hair on your body, the bottom line is, you never knew me. I love you John, and I urge you to get to know me. Know who I am. Love me, worship me, trust me. Learn who my son Jesus Christ is. For He is the answer to Everlasting Life. He is the promise of Love, hope and faith. Turn this long distance relationship into a Holy and loving relationship. It is not my nature to see that you fail, I want to see you succeed and join me in my Kingdom. I could give you several scriptures to study, but I don't just want you to focus on those one and only scriptures, I want you to learn my word inside and out. For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Follow me John, to my Kingdom.


The Lord God Almighty